01977 608825
Telephone Number Validation Services
Landline Verification (LLV) & Mobile Verification (HLR)
Telephone Numbers are constantly changing on a daily basis. The cost of calling a wrong or incorrect telephone number is costly whether this be through an automated dialler or a manual Call.
There are between 60,000 and 100,000 changes to UK Telephone Numbers every day meaning the Telephone Numbers you hold for you customers or prospective customers can soon become out of date. Not only is this decay in your data but is also a GDPR issue and requires you to maintain your data is Accurate and Up To Date.
We report back LIVE and ACTIVE Telephone Numbers
We provide Telephone Number Intellegence such as Original Provider and Location Information
We provide a Secure Service with Fast Turnarounds and are here to provide comprehensive support
To find out more and discuss your exact requirements please contact us now by email or telephone.